Friday, May 28, 2010

Back To Nature

Pangandaran is another famous beach in Indonesia. Located on the south shore of West Java, Pangandaran gives you variety of place to visit. After being hitted by tsunami in 2007, Pangandaran now are completely rebuild and reconstruct to be able attract more visitors. Travel attraction that you can find are mostly beaches but there are another natural resources must to visit around this area. Conservation park, caves, authentic river, and any other interesting place you can't find anywhere. You can look for a local tour guide in the tourist information and them guide you. Eventhough it cost some money but it is worth it with the experience you can get.

From Pangandaran, you need to drive up to 10 km to this site and walk for 30 minutes from the parking lot across the forest. Although it's a little bit far, but you sacrifices is worth when you arrive at this sit. Even on the way to this place, you can find a breathtaking scenery of a dam and emerald colored river. Arrived on the site, you can find a beautiful waterfalls, a small Niagara hidden in Java forest. You can also swim in this river and explore the cave.

 Swim through the unexplored cave

Cukang Taneuh 
When America has Grand Canyon as their popular place to visit, Indonesia has Cukang Taneuh or well-known as Green Canyon, a row of green cliff along the river. 20 km to the west of Pangandaran, you can go o this site by rent a boat and enjoy the river cruise. In this site you can find a beautiful stalagmite and just enjoy the breathtaking scenery. You need to experience this place and try to describe its beauty.

Breathtaking scenery of Cukang Taneuh (Green Canyon)
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Batu Karas
Batu Karas beach located at the end of Pangandaran road. Smaller beach compare to Pangandaran beach, local people say this place attract more foreign tourist compare to local Indonesian. Maybe because this beach offers a good wave to enjoy surfing and different environment you can get. Moreover, Mount Slamet as the background adds the beauty of this beach.

Nearly sunset on Batu Karas beach

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